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Age Parameters for HRT
Age Parameters for HRT
Jo Cullen avatar
Written by Jo Cullen
Updated over a week ago

On average, women reach menopause at 51 years old, and perimenopause symptoms can manifest 7-10 years prior. Patients are encouraged to start HRT as soon as they begin to experience uncomfortable symptoms.

Medical associations, including the American Medical Association and the American Menopause Society, agree that it's safe for women to start HRT within 10 years of having gone through menopause and before they reach the age of 60. It's safe to continue HRT as long as needed if patients are being monitored by their doctor and there are no contraindications to continuing treatment.

Studies show an increase in cardiovascular for women who start HRT after age 60, therefore Winona does not prescribe HRT for women 60 and older. Patient safety is our highest priority.

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